Lifetime Customer Value

4 Ways To Preserve Customer Loyalty When Call Volume Spikes [SlideShare]

by Abby Saranchuk in Blog, Customer Service Outsourcing, Lifetime Customer Value

As experts in forecasting, we know call volume spikes are inevitable and not always predictable. From extreme weather to product recalls, there’s an infinite number of scenarios that will flood your contact center in an instant, resulting in increased average handle times, wait times, and customer frustration. To preserve customer loyalty and sustain healthy CSAT […]


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Lifetime Customer Value: Measuring Customer Service Performance

by Kim Campbell in Blog, Call Center Metrics, Kim Campbell, Lifetime Customer Value

Don’t we all wish that customers came with a lifetime guarantee? They’d make their first purchase and be irrevocably smitten for life? In that perfect world, customer retention would be at 100% and customer turnover would be zero. Since that’s not the world we live in, customers need to experience prompt and dedicated attention at […]


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Invest in Customer Experience to Boost Your Bottom Line

by Kim Campbell in Blog, Customer Experience, Kim Campbell, Lifetime Customer Value

Everyone believes that improving customer experience (CX) is good for business. And brands like Apple, Nordstroms, Starbucks, and Trader Joe’s attribute their phenomenal success to providing consistently superior customer experiences.  But evidence that customer service is worth investing in goes beyond anecdotes and marketing copy. There is solid research from many fronts that supports the […]


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