Contact Center RFP

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It’s 2021. Are You Going to RFP for Your Contact Center This Year?

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Infographic

After a year flirting with the ever-present “pause” button, we’re seeing many more businesses hit the gas on their customer care program—in particular, seeking out the right outsourced partner. Sound like a familiar scenario? If so, the RFP is about to become the friend you love to hate. It’s a necessity—but it doesn’t have to […]


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From RFP to Go-Live: A Roadmap for Implementing Your Outsourced Customer Care Program

by Kim Campbell in Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Customer Service Outsourcing, Kim Campbell

  That RFP process is a grind, eh? The peak experience is when you finally get to call your new strategic partner and let them know they are the successful bidder. After that, it would be nice to take a breather. But you’re ready to implement and transition into your new outsourced customer care program […]


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Rethinking the Outsourcer Selection Process in the New Normal

by Kim Campbell in Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Kim Campbell

  Over the years, we’ve written many articles singing the praises of on-site visits with potential customer care outsourcers. We firmly believe that shaking hands with leadership and frontline agents, seeing capabilities in action, and experiencing the corporate culture first-hand are the intangible, immeasurable, yet essential final steps in evaluating and comparing potential partners. Do […]


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Redundancy: Preparing Customer Care for Crisis Situations

by Andrew O'Brien in Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Customer Service Outsourcing

Redundancy. Business Continuity. Those are major check boxes in every RFP we’ve ever responded to. Boxes to be checked on both sides of the equation – the buyer asked: “What’s your plan in case of disaster?” The bidders answered: “Here’s our plan in case of disaster….” Well, as the saying goes, humans plan and the […]


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RFP Resources for Procuring an Outsourced Customer Care Solution

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Customer Service Outsourcing

Choosing an outsourced customer care partner might just be one of the most complex procurement scenarios out there. After all, this is a partner who will hold your brand and reputation in their hands, interfacing with your loyal (and often concerned) customers day in and day out. No boilerplate RFP document will do the job. […]


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The Cost of In-House vs Outsourced Contact Centers: An Infographic

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Customer Service Outsourcing, Infographic

Maybe you’re a math person and love nothing more than a hefty Excel document to dig into for a few hours. Or maybe math isn’t your strong suit and you’re just looking for hard numbers to tell you what you need to know. Either way, we’ve put together this handy infographic to help you compare […]


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The 10 Most Important Contact Center RFP Questions [Infographic]

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Customer Service Outsourcing, Infographic

The RFP is the friend you love to hate. The necessary evil. The document that will make or break your decision of which new outsourcer to partner-up with. A generic vendor RFP template may promise to make things easy, but when you’re about to hand over your customer interactions to an outsourced contact center, generic […]


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