Contact Center RFP

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Before You Go to RFP, Get Friendly: A Guide to On-Site Contact Center Visits

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Customer Service Outsourcing

Picture this: You’re in the RFP process for a new contact center partner. You have a short list of participants. You give them a couple of weeks to return their answers, and then you spend a few more weeks poring through those answers with your team to eliminate the deal-breakers and discern the winner. Finally, […]


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RFP Questions to Ask About AI in the Contact Center

by Kim Campbell in Artificial Intelligence, Contact Center RFP, Contact Center Technology, Customer Service Outsourcing, Kim Campbell

You’ve got your game face on. You’re prepared for the future of customer service. And you’re ready for your outsourced customer service RFP to hit the road and bring you some stellar options for a new contact center partner. But are you asking the right questions about artificial intelligence? While AI capabilities in the contact […]


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Building the Contact Center SOW: The Framework for Success

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Contact Center SOW, Customer Service Outsourcing

You’ve heard it before – stress is the outcome of reality not aligning with expectations. And nothing takes a toll on relationships quite as quickly as stress. When outsourcing your company’s customer support – whether for the first time or the fifth time – the relationship is understandably complex. You simply can’t rely on an […]


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4 Essential Resources to Read Before You Craft Your Contact Center RFP

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Customer Service Outsourcing

You’re no stranger to RFPs. Love them or hate them, the undeniable truth is that they’re crucial to making informed business decisions about future vendors and partners. The purpose of a contact center RFP is no different: it’s an essential process to use when choosing an outsourcer. However, the contact center RFP is unique and […]


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New Year, New Contact Center RFP? 10 Mistakes to Avoid

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center Reporting, Contact Center RFP, Customer Service Outsourcing

If enhancing your customer experience is a strategic priority over the next 12 months, you might be looking at putting out a contact center RFP or RFI early in the new year. Because the partnership you have with a contact center is core to your customers’ journey with you, it’s a relationship that matters more […]


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Which Comes First: The Contact Center Site Visit or the RFP?

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Customer Service Outsourcing

  Would you buy a house without first walking through it? Even fully armed with an exhaustive list of property details, features, and listing information, would you really be comfortable forking over your hard-saved down payment and signing on the mortgage without at least taking a tour? Unless you’re a daring risk-taker, the answer is […]


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What You Need to Know When Looking for a New Contact Center Outsourcer [Slideshare]

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Contact Center Budgeting, Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Customer Service Outsourcing

Looking for a new contact center outsourcer is rarely as simple as it sounds. That’s why we’ve pulled together our top “How To” procurement tips so you don’t have to spend hours hunting down the resources. From call center outsourcing costs and RFP questions to onboarding and strategizing with your new outsourced partner and their […]


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5 Top Procurement Tips for Seeking an Outsourced Contact Center

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Contact Center Outsourcing, Contact Center RFP, Customer Service Outsourcing

Looking for an outsourced contact center partner is one of the most complex undertakings for any strategic sourcing professional. It requires a thorough understanding of the contact center world as well as the inner workings of your organization’s processes, business objectives, and brand promises. Finding the right contact center for you is going to take […]


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