Customer Service Outsourcing

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5 Insights About Sourcing and Developing Strategic Partnerships

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Customer Service Outsourcing

Running a successful strategic sourcing process for high value services like outsourced customer service is a complex undertaking. The process extends from building and running an RFP competition, through delicate negotiations, and right down to crafting the service level agreement. The senior strategic sourcing professional must be an expert in not only his or her […]


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4 Ways To Preserve Customer Loyalty When Call Volume Spikes [SlideShare]

by Abby Saranchuk in Customer Service Outsourcing, Lifetime Customer Value

As experts in forecasting, we know call volume spikes are inevitable and not always predictable. From extreme weather to product recalls, there’s an infinite number of scenarios that will flood your contact center in an instant, resulting in increased average handle times, wait times, and customer frustration. To preserve customer loyalty and sustain healthy CSAT […]


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Which Customer Service Predictions Came True from 3 Years Ago?

by Amy Bennet in Amy Bennet, Customer Experience, Customer Service Outsourcing, Multichannel Customer Service, Social Media Customer Support

Ever try to predict the outcome of anything? It’s no easy feat. Sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke said predictions about the future can be a “discouraging, hazardous occupation.” Either you sound believable, but are proved pitifully shortsighted or you sound loony, and are proven right too late. For prediction-makers, it’s often lose-lose. But we’ve been […]


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The Phone Channel is Dead, Long Live the Phone Channel

by Kim Campbell in Customer Experience, Customer Service Outsourcing, Kim Campbell

Thanks to emerging customer support channels like social media and live chat, as well as evolving technologies like speech recognition, there are more ways than ever for customers to initiate (and resolve) a service inquiry. And when they have options at their fingertips, customers are showing a growing preference for self-service options using automated IVRs, […]


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