Kim Campbell

The 3 Principles of Brand Loyalty in a Highly Disruptive World

by Kim Campbell in Customer Experience, Kim Campbell, Loyalty Program Management

Brand loyalty is a reflection of a customer’s commitment to a relationship with a given retailer or service provider. But, of course, the current era of disruption is changing everything about all our relationships. The way we interact with people and brands has changed—and consumer spending priorities have evolved just as fast.  Read on to […]


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This Doesn’t Have to Keep You Up at Night: How to Seamlessly Transition Your Outsourced Customer Care Program

by Kim Campbell in Contact Center Outsourcing, Customer Service Outsourcing, Kim Campbell

Love them or hate them, in business, as in life, transitions are inevitable. On the Blue Ocean blog, we talk a lot about the process of sourcing a strategic partner for your outsourced customer care program. Usually, we focus on the buying cycle or key decision-making elements to consider, but the fact is, choosing your […]


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Building a Better Loyalty Program (and the Reward for Getting It Right)

by Kim Campbell in Kim Campbell, Loyalty Program Management

  Check your wallet (digital and/or physical) – do you have loyalty cards for your favorite retail outlets? Gas, grocery, fashion, technology… and probably more. Salesforce research says consumers like us belong to 4.3 loyalty programs on average. And you’re probably spending a decent amount of money at those places. If, for example, you’re a […]


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The Evolution of Customer Experience in the Travel Industry

by Kim Campbell in Customer Experience, Customer Service Trends, Kim Campbell

  Few industries are quite like travel. Can you think of any other industry where anxiety is baked into the product or service? Even before the pandemic, customers found themselves faced with myriad rules, restrictions, and bottlenecks to navigate before reaching their destination, leading to many a meltdown at checkpoints and terminals around the world. […]


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Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Customer Behavior

by Kim Campbell in Call Center Measurements, Call Center Metrics, Customer Service Trends, Kim Campbell

  What do mattress sales, wildlife populations, and peak customer service times all have in common? These seemingly random data points have all been impacted by COVID-19. Mattress sales have skyrocketed thanks to people spending more time at home—and discovering new sleep challenges as a result of the pandemic. Meanwhile, wild animals are appearing during […]


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